Jeremy and Olivia Mallett , with Franklin's Sandy
Claude Thomas,My dad Bill Franklin,& Allen Franklin with Grand World Night Champion
Franklins Carla
WTDA World Bench Champions
Katie Franklin & ThunderSports Yellow Lady
way to go Katie
Grandpa's girls Katie and Alexis
on his 50th birthday
Above , this is Grandpa with Grandson Axton Miley and ThunderSport .
Below is Axton and Taylor on Axtons first sq hunt when he was 1yr old and a
couple of our pups( Thunders Doc and Thunders Hurrician Lizzy)
Brad & Thunder
winning the WTDA World sq Hunt
Taylor & WTDA Wld Combination Champion, Thunder's Lady after a sq hunt
The Franklin Family
Chad and Melissa Miley , Katie, Jodie and Brad , Jeremy
and Rachael and Alexis, Taylor , Allen and Julie Franklin
Axton and Grandma Julie
Coleman and Maggie Mae looking for a squirrel
Taylor on one of her first hunts
Taylor taking care of one our pups
ThunderSports Apex and Axton Miley
Apex is out of Bakers Buckeye Sally & ThunderSport